استطلاعات الرأي

تحرص حكومة دبي على الاستماع لآراء الناس وأفكارهم، ومن خلال هذه الصفحة يمكنك التصويت للأفكار والمشاريع والمقترحات التي تطرحها الجهات الحكومية من أجل ضمان مشاركة المجتمع بأكمله في جعل دبي المدينة الأسعد للعيش في العالم. 


2‏/8‏/2023 8:25 ص

Improving the Dubai Pulse experience

Which of the following features would you like to see added to the Dubai Pulse website?

52 الأيام المتبقية

2‏/8‏/2023 8:22 ص

Enhancing UAE PASS to meet resident needs

Which of the following features would you like to see added to the UAE Pass application?

52 الأيام المتبقية

2‏/8‏/2023 8:20 ص

Understanding the need for digital services on DubaiNow

Which of the following services would you like to see added to DubaiNow? (select all that apply)

52 الأيام المتبقية

2‏/8‏/2023 8:13 ص

Measuring the desire for emerging tech integration

In the future, which emerging technologies do you believe should be incorporated into Dubai Government's Digital Services?

52 الأيام المتبقية

2‏/8‏/2023 7:53 ص

Measuring resident propensity for digital government services

If given a choice, would you prefer to use Dubai Government's Digital Services over traditional in-person services?

52 الأيام المتبقية
التسوق 1 إلى 5 من 5

10 November 2021

Measuring resident propensity for digital government services

If given a choice, would you prefer to use Dubai Government's Digital Services over traditional in-person services?

52 days left

10 November 2021

Measuring the desire for emerging tech integration

In the future, which emerging technologies do you believe should be incorporated into Dubai Government's Digital Services?

52 days left

10 November 2021

Understanding the need for digital services on DubaiNow

Which of the following services would you like to see added to DubaiNow? (select all that apply)

52 days left

10 November 2021

Improving the Dubai Pulse experience

Which of the following features would you like to see added to the Dubai Pulse website?

52 days left

10 November 2021

Enhancing UAE PASS to meet resident needs

Which of the following features would you like to see added to the UAE Pass application?

52 days left
التسوق 1 إلى 5 من 5
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